How do add Expire headers in blogger website?

In this blog post, I will explain how to add Expire headers to a blogger website? and speed up your blog website loading time

 How do add Expire headers in a blogger website?

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How do add Expire headers in blogger website?


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In this blog post, I will explain how to add Expire headers to a blogger website? and speed up your blog website loading time it will be beneficial to your website speed index rate in google and other search engines.

Before continuing on how to add an Expiring Header to a blogger, would you like to know more about what it is? How does it work? why use it? etc.

Adding expired headers to your Blogger website is an important aspect of website optimization. Expired headers tell browsers when to cache certain elements on your website, which can help improve the loading speed of your pages. By implementing these headers, you can reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded each time a user visits your site, resulting in a faster, smoother user experience. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to add expired headers to your Blogger website, explaining the process in an easy-to-follow manner. So, if you're looking to boost the performance of your Blogger site, be sure to read on!
The belove questions are frequently asked by blog people on Google. 
  • How do you add expired headers?
  • How do I add expired headers to my photos?
  • What are expired headers?
  • How do I check my expiry header?
  • How to add expired headers in WordPress?
So here we can give exact solutions for those above all questions, So without wasting any time, Let's get started by Step by Step process.
The expiration header is associated with web page elements such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. What will happen? It tells the browser whether to request a particular file from the server or retrieve it from the browser's own cache.

Adding a timeout header to HTML reduces the time between request and response between browser and server. As a result, everything becomes clear when you check web page load times with our free mobile speed test tool. This reduces the number of downloads from the server and the number of HTTP requests to the server.
The expiration header tells the browser how long the file should be cached. This way, your visitors won't have to download the file over and over again on subsequent page views.

It may take a while to load your website the first time and download all files from your visitor's browser server. Therefore, using a header with an expiry date can reduce the wait time of repeat visitors. This will speed up your page.
Before executing this step initially, you can check your website in the Pingdom Website speed test or GTmetrix. Then you can enter your website  URL and tap on the Start Test button. In this process take some time to analyze your website or blog post completely so just wait for a moment. After completing this process it will show your website performance details on the display. Now you may copy your report so that will be helpful for your after and before process comparison.


Now you need to copy the HTML code below and paste it above the </head> section in your blogger template.

Step-by-step process:

Step 1:     Initially go to your  Blogger website.
Step 2:     Then log in to your Blogger account.
Step 3:     Now tap on the Theme menu.
Step 4:     After clicking on the Edit Html option.
Step 5:     Then paste Copied HTML code Above the  </head> section.
Step 6:     Then Click on the Save theme option.
Expired headers are used to specify the maximum amount of time that a client or a browser should cache a resource such as an image, CSS, and  JS files.

Some of the reasons are given below for why the use of the 'Expire Header'
  • Reduce HTTP Requests.
  • Reduce page load time.
  • Reduce server load time.
  • Improve the overall performance and speed of a website
  • Reduce network traffic and ultimately lower the carbon footprint of the internet.
  • Reduce the amount of data that is downloaded on subsequent page loads.

By modifying the .htaccess file or by using a caching plugin, you can add expired headers to WordPress.

To modify the .htaccess file, you can add the following code:

Alternatively, you can use caching plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Fastest Cache, which have settings pages that let you set expired headers easily.

The easiest way to add expired headers in WordPress is by using a caching plugin. 

Here's how you can set up expired headers with W3 Total Cache:

Install the W3 Total Cache plugin from the WordPress repository.
Go to the "Performance" tab in your WordPress dashboard and select the "Browser Cache" option.

Enable the "Set Expires header" and "Set cache control header" options.
Set the desired time for each type of file (e.g. images, CSS, JavaScript).

Save changes and check your website's headers to confirm that the expired headers have been set correctly.

Note: The steps may differ slightly depending on the caching plugin you use, but the general process should be similar.

We hope that this post has provided valuable information and a new perspective on how to add Expire headers to a blogger website?

Please let me know if you have any doubts by using the below comment box and I will give you a solution as soon as possible

Thank You!

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